19 Apr 2023: Edinburgh's Transport Future; the door opens on a major public consultation.

Cllr. Scott Arthur, Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee, calls it 'probably one of the biggest and most important consultations' undertaken by the City Council. It runs from 17 April to 9 July. 

What is the goal?: To effect the transition towards 'a less congested, more liveable, healthy and sustainable capital' with a buoyant economy, all within the big-picture goals of the City Mobility Plan 2030 and Edinburgh Net Zero 2030 strategic targets. Projected delivery is by way of five Action Plans covering Active Travel, Public Transport, Parking, Road Safety and Air Quality. 

I attended a consultation session yesterday. Don't brush aside or understimate the commitment, thought and endeavour that are going into this massive change project, even if it's not all to your liking. Make a start by getting involved in the consultation programme. Here is the online link to begin with.

