Please find attached a copy of the 2019 Bike Life Edinburgh report, launched earlier this month. We had originally intended to send this report out to you earlier, however business contingency planning due to the escalating COVID-19 situation has taken priority during the past two weeks. My apologies for the delay.

Bike Life Edinburgh is an assessment of cycling development, attitudes and behaviour in the city. It is one of the most extensive cycling surveys carried out in Scotland and since the first report in 2015, the city has seen significant developments in cycling provision.

The key findings of the assessment evidence positive levels of cycling participation, with 24% of people cycling at least once a week. Additionally, 74% of residents support building more protected on-road cycle tracks, even when this would mean less space for other road traffic. The report findings also highlight that more could be done toward making participation in cycling equal across all demographics within Edinburgh.

The information in this report comes from local data, including an independent survey of over 1,400 residents in Edinburgh. More details on the report findings and methodology can be found at

We hope you enjoy reading the report and that you share it, and its findings, more widely with colleagues and external contacts. Additional copies are available on our website, and paper copies available upon request.

If you would like to know more about Bike Life Edinburgh, please contact Emily Stone, Project Coordinator – Bike Life Scotland, Sustrans Scotland, on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 07971002711; or Sarah Feldman, Active Travel Officer, City of Edinburgh Council on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Kind regards

Karen McGregor

Director, Scotland

Sustrans Scotland | Rosebery House | 9 Haymarket Terrace | Edinburgh | EH12 5EZ

0131 346 1384 | 07823 662 108